the murky depths of debt [1]


Are you someone who is in debt?
the chances are that you’ve answered yes – most of us are – to some extent or other.

Whether its a $750,000 mortgage, or the $750 outstanding on your bankcard at the end of the month, an overdue power bill, or even wondering just how you’re going to afford your next meal – we all know (or have known at some point) the feeling of overwhelming panic and oppression, of not knowing how we’re going to afford the next expense on what-ever-it-is that needs to be paid for…

In the last couple of years, I have managed to pay off over $25,000 in personal and credit-card debt.
Alas, when I only had another $5,000 to go, we had an unexpected ‘cash-flow’ problem, and added another $5,000 back on to that debt. 😐

Paying off debt is rarely a straight-forward process.
Some weeks/months you can pay down a little more than others.
Other weeks/months, you’re flat out trying to scrape together enough funds to cover the minimum payment.

I get it.
i SOOOO get it!!

I’ve been there.
Numerous times.
And just like the other times that I’ve managed to get it all paid down, this time around I’m still doing the dance of four steps forward, and two steps back!

The difference these days though – is that I have some strategies that I didn’t have in my younger years, and I’ve learnt a thing or two about priorities along the way…

Obviously, as we’ve just wracked up an unplanned $5,000 debt that we didn’t have the cash-flow for, those strategies aren’t fool-proof.
Mainly – in my case – because I prefer to use the money to pay down the debt as quickly as possible, rather than having some cash tucked away “in case”.
Its a considered and calculated risk I’m willing to take…

But as I said earlier, I’ve managed to pay down $25,000 in the last couple of years – so I’m certainly doing something right! lol

Firstly – you need to look at where you can possibly and reasonably cut expenses.
Some things you might want to look at – which I’ll go into more detail about later – could include the following:
– cable tv
– mobile phone plan
– electricity
– water
– internet costs
– grocery shopping
– clothing
– takeaways (food/coffee)
– movies
– cigarettes/alcohol
– car expenses
– magazines
– meals
– hairdresser / hair products / mani-pedis
– social events
– growing-your-own

Now – before I go in to detail, I am the first to say that I don’t do everything i possibly could be doing to reduce my expenses; and therefor have the ‘spare’ cash to use to pay down my debt.

I could definitely be doing better most weeks, but some weeks I’m a bloody ROCKSTAR of thriftiness!! lol

I also am not a big fan of ‘deprivation’.
I find that deprivation often leads to rebellion – which is not a good place to be in, when you are trying to achieve the goal of debt reduction.

I also believe in working smarter – not harder!

I regularly tout my Simple Life philosophy – so working all the hours I have available to me, for someone else, in a job I hate, just to make some extra money – welllll, it just isn’t my idea of a healthy way to spend a big part of my life.

But I also understand that for some people, taking on a second (or even third) job, for a given period of time, to get their finances to where they are manageable, is their preferred option – so that they can (hopefully) pay their debt down faster.
If thats for you – then go for it, I say!!

Just remember to take into account the extra travel expenses, childcare fees if applicable, clothing & washing, energy-drain, lack of sleep, and the time away from your those whom are special to you, to work out whether the trade-offs are worth it in the end.

Lets get down to some nitty-gritty….!

And just as a caveatplease remember that the following examples will be based on either my experiences, or the ‘average’ costs in Australia.

Cable TV:
The cost of the basic big-brand cable tv package, is currently approximately $50 per month.
If you join up with something like ‘Netflix’ – the cost is approximately $9 per month.
Thats a $41 per month saving right there!!
Yes, I know that you need internet to watch this type of service – but as I’ll discuss later – there are some good very cheap ‘unlimited’ service providers out there, for a decent price.

And yes, I know that there are shows on cable that you won’t get on some of these services – but it doesn’t need to be forever, and I’m pretty sure that no-one ever died from not watching one season of Carsguide or Housewives!!

There is also of course the option of turning off that TV set altogether, other than for ‘special’ occasions!!
(eg: planned movie nights)

Read a book – theres millions of them you can borrow for free at the Library!!
Play a board game, have a bath, play lego with the kids, do a puzzle, write a letter, play cards, do some gardening, talk to a friend, talk to your Spouse, SLEEP!
The list of other-things-to-do is endless, and doesn’t have to be boring or energetic.

Do you have a landline?
Do you need it? Really?
Could you disconnect it and save some $$s?

Do you have a mobile?
When was the last time you looked at what ‘deals’ are available, that will give you all that you need?

Just as an example, as to what a bit of research can do: I changed my plan last year – which I’d just been routinely paying each month – when i realised I had been paying $89 a month for a service that was now being offered for $49 a month!!
Another $40 each month toward debt reduction!!

I will be looking in the future, to going to prepaid instead of a plan, as I don’t use my phone for outgoing calls much at all, and the majority of my usage is in text and data, and theres some seriously cheap options going at the moment, and for what I need, Im thinking it would cost me about $20 a month at most.
That would be a further saving of $29 dollars on top of my already $40 saving!

When was the last time you gave even a passing thought to your electricity consumption – other than when the latest bill came in, and you had a big whinge about how much it was?

Its time to take a wander around your home – into every single room – and assess whats sucking up all those dollars!

How many computers are plugged in, turned on, and left running.
How many TVs are around your house? Even on standby, they suck up unneeded power.
How many air conditioners / fans are running with no-one around.
The same for lights – how many rooms have lights on that aren’t needed?
How many fridges / freezers do you have running?
Do you own and use heaters?
A radio/stereo?

We pretty much only use two lights at our place.

The one in the kitchen/dining area lights up most of the space we spend the majority of our time in, in the evenings.
We also have an external sensor-light, and we only activate the switch for that from about 7pm – so that it only comes on if we go to the outdoors area, or if the dogs go out for a toilet break, and it automatically goes off if theres no movement after a certain amount of time.
We turn back off the activator switch about 10pm, when we go to bed.

We don’t use heaters – we have those old fashioned things called jumpers, socks, slippers and blankets 😀

We use a battery operated radio- which runs about 12 hours a day, most days – that has a rechargeable battery.
It also has bluetooth, so can be used to stream music / podcasts etc.
It takes about ½ – 1 hour to recharge the battery every second day – as opposed to running the radio directly off the power for 12 hours a day!
We’ve had that radio for a couple of years now, so the small savings all add up.

You can do the same with clocks.
Use rechargeable batteries.

I admit that my biggest electrical ‘weakness‘ is either fans or an air conditioner.

I can not bear to be overheated – and we get some seriously hot weather where we live.

I also can’t sleep if its hot – which does not make for a happy or productive HouseSpouse.
And just to top it off, I tend to get very bad nausea – to the point of vomiting – if I get too hot for too long, which leads to lying in a sickly heap, and getting nothing done.
Frustrating, unpleasant and an incredibly annoying waste of life and time.

So – a fan or aircon it is – when the weather heats up!
As I said – I don’t believe in deprivation just for the sake of it, and if I don’t stay cool-ish, I get sick and can’t get anything done – so its not worth taking that one out of our equation.
(having said that though, they aren’t on just for the sake of it – only when needed!)

Are you water-wise?
In most places – there is a fee to be paid for the amount of water you use, so it pays off in the long run to see if there are savings that can be made about your home.

And let me reassure you – you don’t have to be some radical hippy who only showers every second week, to make a decent dint in the water-saving department.
Use a square or round bucket (depending on the shape of your sink) in your kitchen, laundry and bathroom sinks, and use the collected water for garden-beds and lawns.

You’d be amazed how much a bucket popped down by your feet, on the floor of the shower ‘unintentionally’ collects, just from the run-off and overspray.
Better on the garden than down the sewer!

Use a cup and bowl to clean your teeth, rather that leaving the tap running, and wasting all that water down the drain.
Once you’re done, and your teeth are all sparkly – toss the water out on the plants.

Is your washing machine close to a door or window, so that you could connect a hose to the water outlet pipe and run it onto the grass?
If you do this – make sure that a) you use detergent that is safe for your plants and the ground, b) that the water doesn’t pool leaving a stinky quagmire, and c) that you move the hose around regularly to different parts of the yard.
(Caveat: some councils get shitty if you get caught doing this 😀 )

And I’m sure it goes without saying – but I’ll say it anyways….if you can install a water-tank, it will pay for itself in next to no time!!

Internet costs:
Search around for the best deal, that preferably isn’t on a lock-in contract.
We use wireless at our place, as we don’t have a phone line in to our home (by choice!), and thus cable or adsl isn’t an option.

We are currently on an unlimited pay-as-you-go plan, that is about $70 per month, and we stream all our tv viewing, movies and netflix, as well as our phones and computers through it, and have never had an issue outside of when a huge storm is in full swing.

Grocery Shopping:
A lot of savings can be made here!!
Buying fresh, in-season foods is always cheaper. (especially at road-side stalls)
Buying meat in bulk and freezing meal-sized portions saves a lot too – and means you don’t need to buy anywhere near as often.

The majority of store-brand goods aren’t the horrible quality that they were only a few short years ago – and on staples like pasta, rice, sugar, flour, sauces and bread, you can easily save 50% over buying name-brand products.

The same with tissues, paper towel and toilet paper.
You’re wiping up gunk of some kind or another – so if you dont want to use hankies and dish-cloths that are reusable, to save from having to buy them in the first place – then buy cheap – your throwing them away anyways!!
You don’t need scented, pretty toilet paper with flowers on it – you’re wiping your bum and flushing it – not using it to decorate yourself for a job interview!!

In Part 2 of this discussion on debt – I’ll talk more about the other things on the above list: clothing, takeaways (food/coffee), movies, cigarettes/alcohol, car expenses, magazines, meals, hairdresser / hair products / mani-pedis, social events and growing-your-own.

If you’d like to contribute some of the ways that you use to save money and pay down debt, please drop a comment in the “talk to me” box below.





Obviously, its ‘best-practicenot to get into debt in the first place.
And the old adage of only buying something if you can afford to pay cash for it, holds a lot of truth and wisdom.
However – theres that little thing called ‘real life’, and sometimes we do things that – when looking back with the clarity of 20/20 hindsight – turn out to be not the smartest of choices… 🙂

physio f**k-up



My Physio relocated to one of the southern states back in early October.

Before she left – she arranged for another physio in the same practice to take over my care, as I had seen this other physio a few times (when my usual wasn’t available) and she knew my full history – so there wouldn’t have to be a whole long extended hand-over needed.

I knew I’d been left in good hands, so whilst I was sad that my regular physio – whom i adored – was leaving, I felt confident that I was being left in good hands.

A week later, three days before I was due for my next appointment, I got a call from the receptionist at the clinic – to let me know that there has been a mass ‘walk-out’ (and resignations) of the majority of the physio staff – and that there was only one physio left at the clinic.

They would need to reschedule my next appointment – and with a bloke i had never see before.

I was less than pleased…!

Because there was now only one physio left at the clinic, the rescheduling meant that my next appointment was not for another eight weeks… 😐

Whilst I had managed to whittle down from needing three appointments per week, down to one a week – having to go eight weeks without an appointment scared me rather a lot.

And as luck has it, we live in a small rural community – and therefor don’t have the luxury or access to just going to a different clinic!

I made the appointment.
It was for December 2nd.

November 30th – the clinic called.
My appointment was ‘no longer available’…

I didn’t bother trying to make another.
I’m pissed off, I’m fed-up of being pushed to the back of the line – I’m done.

I don’t yet know quite what I am going to do about finding another physio.

I keep hoping that the girl I was initially scheduled to see when my original physio left, will pop-up somewhere locally, and I can score an appointment with her – but so far its not looking good.

Its been a couple of months now since the walk-out, and she hasn’t turned up anywhere that I have found yet 🙁

I’ll keep looking though, and keep asking around…
I need the help and guidance of a good physio to keep improving my pain and mobility – and to ensure that I dont back-slide too much.

I really dont think I could cope with the unmanaged pain, and being bed-bound again – like I was back in the early months of the year…I just don’t…

Fingers crossed!




Its been a couple of weeks since my last update – and a lot has been happening about the place…

The Wedding has come and gone – and yes – of course, is was beautiful, wonderful, emotional – and our youngest daughter and her husband are currently off Continue reading “busy-ness”

gettin’ stuff done!



I’ve been back to the house in town today, and have done some mega cleaning.

All the floors have been vacuumed, and some of them mopped.
The kitchen sink is sparkling like new and all the kitchen benches and the breakfast bar have been cleared and cleaned.

I have tidied up the front room / office, staged some furniture, pruned the houseplant and vacuumed up all the spider-webs.

I pulled all the furniture away from the walls on the patio, swept down all the walls, and vacuumed up all the spiders and their associated webs, then swept the patio tiles, mopped up some marks, wiped down the tables, and repositioned the furniture.
I even managed to get all the stairs and pathway swept, and the houseplant out there also got a bit of a haircut in the midst of it all.

The main bedroom is closed off so that the cats can’t get in, and there are only two bits of stripping that need completion in the spare bedroom, and then some touchup paintwork on those bits.
The 2nd bedroom is fine how it is.

Once our youngest daughters wedding is done & dusted, and all the various family members have gone back to their different corners of the country, I will empty the kitchen cupboards and drawers, and the pantry – but the kids will be staying in the house from this Wednesday onward, until Sunday or Monday – so it won’t be until next week that I can get to that.

The big bathroom has had the the last of the stripping and gapping done, and there are just a few paint touch-ups needed in there too, but the smaller bathroom just needs a wipe over and the shower recess needs a final scrub, but I’ll wait for next week to do that bit – cos the visiting kids are bound to make a mess!

I’m now back at the Farm, and have a pile of laundry to get through, as I didn’t do any washing over the weekend.

I’m hoping to get to whipper-snipping around the raised beds out near where we park the cars done while the washing-machine is doing its thing – but right now I’m waiting for a phone call that I don’t want to miss – and phone reception is a bit hit & miss at the best of times, but gets markedly worse the further you move away from the FarmHouse where the booster-box for the mobile signal is, so for now i’ll just hang around inside and get some chores done in here…

The whole Farm was mowed again over the weekend.
My Darling doesn’t find it quite as funny as I do, but the ‘clean green slate’ only lasts about 2 hours before the yellow woodsorrel (oxalis stricta) that is in plague proportions amongst the grass, throws up a whole pile of new flowers – so the entire paddock is just a sea of glorious little golden flowers.

It really is very pretty, but drives My Love demented, as by the next morning its back to looking unmown. lol
I can’t help but laugh – every.single.time!! 😀

Go slow and enjoy the day Folks,

flipping out


This morning I had a major anxiety filled panic-ridden flipout…

But first a bit of background.

Our youngest daughter is getting married in eight days.
yes – EIGHT!

Now I am already having a bit of a belly-wobble about what may or may not be expected of us (well ME) on the actual day, but I also don’t Continue reading “flipping out”




Today is different.

Today I got out of bed quite well rested.
I had a really decent sleep last night, because it rained through the night, and i always sleep soooo much better when it rains.

I have also taken a fortnight off work – which actually winds up being 18 days – so that is a big load of stress gone off my back for the time being!!

And to top it off, I also slept well because My Love & I came to a very important decision last night, Continue reading “today…”



I only work three days a week – Tues, Wed, Thurs – so I am lucky in that I get a four-day weekend.
In theory…

But these days – my work environment ramps up my anxiety like almost nothing else – so after those three days, I spend Friday pretty much uncoiling from thorough mental, physical and emotion exhaustion.
At least ½ of the day is over, before I start to feel even vaguely like ME!

Come Monday, although I try to schedule my day so that I am relatively busy and not giving myself too much time to think – I can still feel that no-so-subtle tightening in my chest and belly, as the anxiety begins to percolate deep inside of me – with the knowledge that tomorrow I have to go back to work…

Anxiety is such a futile, debilitating waste of time – and I gotta tell you – it SHITS ME OFF!!
[ohhhh for a magic wand…]

We’ve had some storms over the last few days, with good torrential downpours, so today while the ground is still nice and soft and the sun is shining, I am going to plant out some of the potted stuff from our nursery, rather than having to put them into bigger pots.

That will calm my soul!
At least for a little while…

How do YOU handle your anxiety?



A great article about anxiety can be found at “The Mighty“.




I’m having a bit of a ‘comparison’ dilemma at the moment and whilst I know that comparing oneself to others is never a healthy or helpful thing – I’m just not quite sure how to get it “out of my system”…

It makes it that much harder – because the person I am making the comparison with, is my Love.

My Love is 5 years older than me, and is a healthy happy vibrant person, who loves Continue reading “comparisons”

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