slf blog

fruit & veg bags

Its been a damp drizzly cold morning, so I decided to drag out the sewing machine and knock up a few things with some “leftovers”.
First up was a pair of old cotton curtains that have seen better days, and are not longer of use in keeping the heat/cold out of the house, so they were sewn together to make bed/couch cover.

Then I used up a lace curtain, that just doesn’t fit with our idea of ‘decor‘ – which I made into bags to store fruit and veg in, in the fridge – and some will be used to cover ripening fruit, so the wildlife doesn’t steal it all.
They’re welcome to some excess, but they aren’t very good at sharing, so we’d rather it was us to be the ones to decide how much they get – not them! .

Next up is going to be an old super-light-weight shower curtain, that I am going to make into bags to take grocery shopping, so that I can put fruit and veg in them, instead of using the plastic bags that the supermarket provides.

The material even has a fruit & veg motif printed on it, so I reckon thats pretty darn appropriate! 😀

Hope you are having a nice day, and whatever you’re doing – I’d love to hear about it!

30 simple life hints



Today I thought I’d post a couple of easy changes you can make, to simplify your life.

So – without further ado, here are 30 Simple Life Farmer simple life hints! Continue reading “30 simple life hints”



I pretty much try to single-task these days, just so that I can be more present with whatever it is that I am doing.

I know as a species we’re often quite impressed with ourselves, when we can do a myriad of chores at once, and we convince ourselves that we’re Continue reading “single-tasking”

on the mend


I’ve been a bit remiss with writing, I know, but I’ve needed some ‘me’ time, and some healing time…

The rehoming of Digby hit me – HARD – and still does some days, but its thankfully getting less intense with each day – and I can now at least Continue reading “on the mend”

slow & steady


This week is the first time I’ve realllly felt like I’m getting better.

I’ve known that I was improving as the weeks have gone on, but this week I’ve felt more…. I don’t know… capable, I guess…

Im still only doing two half days a week at work, but when I finished work on Tuesday, I did the weekly grocery shopping, and after coming home, unpacking and putting it away, I had some lunch, then went and did a bit of decluttering of junk in the front room / office, and got rid of two bags of garbage.

I made us a dinner of pork steaks and veggies, and I got some laundry started.

They’re baby-steps in the greater scheme of things, but I still felt good after doing them – not sore or stiff or overly tired, or exhausted…

I know I need to take this ‘healing’ business slowly.

I do NOT want another relapse like the one in February.

I’m also regularly reminding myself that one of the things I promised myself this year, was to take better care of ME.

As the saying goes: “slow and steady wins the race“, and I’d like to be in this ‘race’ for quite some time yet…

What do you do to look after yourself?
I’d love to hear from you – so drop a comment in the box below 🙂

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