Tough times…


It’s been a bit of a long difficult week…

It’s 11 days ciggie free, which has been nice.
And the breathing has been soooo much better!!
Actually, I don’t recall any time in the last week or so, that I’ve really been all that breathless – and that includes getting ready for work.

I haven’t even needed that 10 minute ‘recovery’ time, before leaving the house!!
Pretty amazing – and I just need to keep reminding myself of that.

That hasn’t been why it’s been a difficult week though…

It’s been a difficult time, because we haven’t been paying enough attention to our Marriage this year.
It has just been allowed to slip off the list of priorities, I guess…

Back in February, I actually went away by myself for 36hrs (overnight), to give myself a little breathing and thinking space.

That might not be long for the average person, but for this lil house-hermit, it’s quite a feat of bravery!

I felt better for having done it – as I really was at a breaking point emotionally.

The night I got home, we both cried a lot, and talked a lot – and it felt good to hear, and say some stuff – but in the weeks and months that followed, things just continued on as they always have.

The inroads we made that night, faded away – the walls went back up, and as for me – I feel like I’ve just become overwhelmed and have given up, and shut-down.
not a good place to be in.

So – this morning we met up at the park over a coffee.

We both did some talking, both did some listening, both did some crying…

I don’t know if we are going to manage to make any changes, but I have to try and have faith that we can, and will.

My Wife, this Marriage – they are the most important things in my Life to me… 💕

Gardening & Pondering


I’ve been out in the sunshine, digging up weeds from the garden-bed edges for the last two hours – and just thinking about “stuff”.

Lots of different stuff – but stuff none the less 🙂

Firstly – on how the ‘flying solo’ went.

I enjoyed it.
Actually I enjoyed it a LOT!

The only things I didn’t do, that were on my list, was to have a bath and catalogue some books!
So I think I kept on track pretty darn well.

The ciggies have been out of my system for a week now – and there has only been about twice that I’ve realllly thought much about it.
One was on Saturday night when I was full of vodka, but that was to be expected, and the urge was really easy to get rid of – I went to bed – lol.

The other was my first day off after working, when I didn’t have a plan – as I usually do for days off – for what I was going to do that day; as I’d initially been going to go to work, and then didn’t.
Problem was solved by getting busy, pronto! 🙂

Although it isn’t a conscious thing, I’ve learnt that “wasting time” is a big impetus for me, with smoking.

I’m guessing it’s one of those ‘womanly’ things, whereby we feel guilty for doing nothing, so when we take a five minute break we get the guilts, even if we don’t actually realise it.

However, if you’re a smoker, you can ‘legitimately’ take that break, because you’re not doing nothing – your doing something, you’re smoking!!

Other people may have a whollllle different view of this – gawd only knows – but I’m pretty sure it’s true of me, and I’m also pretty sure that there are others who ‘use’ smoking for the very same reason – even if they have no earthly clue of it…. 😏 ….
(or don’t want to admit it!)

When I was out gardening, I was also thinking about what a difference a fortnight makes…

Two weeks ago, I was waaaay sicker than I am today.

I was having a lot of difficulty with normal everyday tasks, and I was wondering how much longer I could continue working nine hour days at my job – even though it is only a couple of days a week.

I was tossing around the idea of asking if I could do less hours, but more days – so that I was still doing the same number of hours per fortnight – or of giving away the job completely, and looking for something that was more suitable to my ‘abilities’.

Either way – I was scared of the unknown that lay around the corner, as far as my employment options went – and it was weighing on me very, very heavily.

But today, a fortnight later, I feel bright, alert, healthy, and able.
I feel like I can keep going in my job as it is now, and maybe even seriously consider doing some extra hours.

I don’t know how long these feelings will last – but I’m hoping it a good amount of time!

One of the other drawbacks – for me – about work though, is that I’m a hermit by nature.
I like to be at home, I like doing housework, I like to work in the garden.
These things give me a far greater sense of purpose, and feelings of accomplishment, and happiness, than any job ever will.

If I didn’t feel ‘obligated‘, and it wasn’t a necessity to contribute to paying the bills, and buying the groceries; I would happily quit my job in a heartbeat…

Another of my trains of thought whilst out there digging, was about “lessons that are sent to teach us“.

I am an avid believer that we keep being sent ‘lessons’, to learn something from, and those lessons keep coming to us, until we work out what it is we are supposed to learn, and we take it on board…

Whether others believe that or not is irrelevant.
It’s a bit like god – the belief or nonbelief doesn’t make it any more or less real.
Each of our lessons is a personal thing – for us to learn & interpret for ourselves.
Others will have different lessons of their own, from the same events.
What I am meant to learn, will be different from what someone else is meant to learn.

I was reminded of this, earlier in the week.

An acquaintance – whom I don’t particularly like – had texted me, and asked me to meet up with them.
I tend to avoid this person as much as possible, so that I don’t have to interact with them, but it can be a little tricky sometimes, as we work at the same place.

I semi-agreed (against my better judgement), but didn’t settle on a day, time or place.
Over the next couple of days, I received a lot more texts, which I ‘obviously’ didn’t respond to in a timely enough manner, or with the correct wording sequences. [insert sarcasm]
As a result, the texts got to that point of ‘batshit crazy’, which is what initially warned me off said acquaintance.

The universe had kindly sent me a very timely reminder of just why I don’t interact with this person.
And it gave me a very much appreciated kick in the pants, at the very right moment.

I realise we are all a special kind of crazy, or some sort, to someone.
I know that I am most definitely someone else’s idea of a special sorta crazy, and I have no problem with that.

But – for me – I just don’t want or need to add any more of the kind of batshit crazy that that person tends to permeate my Life with…

Lesson noted – I won’t be agreeing to a meeting. Thank you ☺

There was something else that I’d been thinking about out there in the sunshine – but I’ve waffled on for so long, I’ve forgotten what it was now!!

Day 4.


Its day 4, and today has been very productive!

I’ve done some gurneying out the back, I’ve cleaned off all the shit from the deck, and put it away, got the outdoor table out of the back shed, cleaned it up and set it up, even got out the old fountain, cleaned it off, set it up, and got it running again too!

I’ve repotted some plants, and watered all the others, cooked a stroganoff, cleaned out the side of the fridge alcove, painted a ‘relax’ sign, and done the laundry.

And – as I promised myself, I’ve watched a bit more junk TV.

I’ve done pretty ok I think, with my ‘home-alone’ time; and ya know what? – I’ve enjoyed it – a LOT

Yaay me! ☺

Day 3.


So it’s the end of day 3 of flying solo.

We know how day one went, but yesterday was better.

I’ve managed to do a few things on my list – so I’m pretty happy with that!
– no ciggie has passed my lips since day 1 ✔
– tattoo touch-up done ✔
– vacuumed out the car ✔
– have made stuffed mushrooms and tortellini, and pepper risotto for dinner, the last two nights. ✔
– watched 4 episodes back-to-back of “Winners & Losers” ✔
– all the crap is off the patio and back in the workshop where it belongs ✔
– I’ve done some serious cleaning inside ✔
– I’ve watered the plants on the back deck. ✔
– tonight, with no-one here but me, I’ve had my first voddies in months, and am sooooo feelin’ the buzz! ✔
– I have loud music on, I’m dancing by myself, and it’s a nice rockin vibe. ✔
– I’ve had some nice 1/1 talks with my Patrick, which always grounds me ✔

– AND, I’ll be in bed early, cos I’m trashed!!

G’nite day 3….

It begins..!


Day one of flying solo:

Got up at 3am to drive an hour & a half down the range to drop the Mrs off to the airport.

Saw the plane off, then drove back up the hill, and went …….. to work!!

Meetings that were supposed to be on yesterday ended up being rescheduled for today, so my day off didn’t happen.

I’m now in the midst of cooking up a spaghetti bolognese for dinner, having had a shower when I got home from work – and am freezing – which is always a definite sign with me, that exhaustion is kicking in 😐

I don’t think it I’ll be staying up late tonight…

*note to self: must remember to feed the animals.
(not usually my ‘job’ lol)

Happy Birthday Kayd 💜

Our only grandson – via our eldest daughter – is three today!

It doesn’t feel like three years ago, that my Wife and I sat in the waiting room at the Hospital, sitting on the edge of our seat, waiting, waiting, waiting…

We were both exhausted with nervous tension, willing Kayd to get his stubborn little butt out of his mummys tummy – and to give her some rest – before the real-life hard work really began in earnest!

We both cried huge tears of relief, when he finally made his appearance, and we knew that he and our ‘little girl’ were both safe and healthy.

He’s a gorgeous boy, (nope, I’m not at all biased!!) and I love him to pieces!
And our Daughter is doing a pretty fine job too!! 😉 <3


What to do?!?!


Soooo – next weekend, I get to have a few days to myself — sooo, what to de eh!!??!!

Our grandson turns 3 next week, and there is going to be a party held in his honour.
But…I’m not going.

We’ve decided that my Wife will go on her own, and I’ll hold down the fort here.

Plus, it’s just not my kind of scene…
a) it’s out of town
b) we have to fly and drive to get there
c) I don’t happen to believe in having a big ‘piss-up‘ party, for a three year old.

But we do need to make an appearance of some sort – so the Mrs gets to do the honours this time round.

So this week I get to plan out how I’d like to spend the time flying solo, and I’ve decided I’m going to make it some good ole fashioned ME time!!!
(we’ll see how it all pans out I guess lol)

What I’d like to do:
– get rid of the ciggies in my system
– get 2 of my tattoos touched up
– have a bath
– do some gardening
– catalogue some books
– clean out the cars
– watch some junk television
– maybe even hang some art

Sometime next week, I’ll try remember to check in and we’ll see just what I did end up doing…
Probably nothing on the list!! 😐

Taaaa Daaaaa!!!


taaa daaa back fence

Taaaa Daaaaa!!!

So here it is.
The reason we had a Tradie in.
A nice new HIGH fence!!!

Our backyard fence hasn’t really been a problem as such – but our backyard neighbour, well that’s a total other story!!!

He’s a sticky beak, a peeping Tom, a nosey-parker, a snoop…

It’s not that we do anything even vaguely exciting in our backyard, but it seems that’s irrelevant!

And on top of that, he likes nothing more than to torment our two small dogs Hamish and Molly.
He will actually stand at the fence, leaning over the top of them, barking down at them to encourage further, the barking they’re already doing – cos he freaks them out!

It is absolutely maddening.

Well, NO MORE 🙂

He may well be able to stand there, he may well be able to bark, but none of us can see him – so if nothing else, that is a total blessing.

It will also help his lifespan somewhat – cos I’ve seriously been considering shooting him 😀

Spoiling myself…

Today, I decided to spoil myself a little.

So I’m sitting in the sunshine, in my car, about to head in to do the grocery shopping – having myself a latte, enjoying the peace and solitude 🙂 Yaay ME!

(Added later: and yes – I am someone who hates buying takeaway coffee in general, and especially without using a keep-cup, and whilst I almost always have one on me, I didn’t on this particular day.
I ended up using the cup to plant a tree in.

Still not ok with it – but it was the best I could manage at a pinch!
And THIS is why I tend to not spoil myself with ‘gifts’.
You end up with shit you didn’t want or need, just for a momentary pleasure – that can often lead to long-term feelings of guilt or inadequacy!)

[rant over lol]

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