the blur

the blur


Recently – I have felt myself spiraling in panic.

This is not a ‘new’ sensation for me.

When parts of my life are not running smoothly and for some reason, I manage to forget all the tools I possess to get myself back on track – I can feel myself begin this spiral…

It’s quite slow at first – so it’s not like I don’t get a warning that it’s coming!

It’s a bit like watching a child in the backyard, spinning round and round with their arms out, and then walking in a wobbly line when they stop – occasionally stumbling, or almost falling over.

But then as the days or weeks march on, it becomes more like that professional ballerina, who can go from pretty pirouettes with their arms gracefully held aloft, and then suddenly they’re spinning so fast that they’re just a blur – and you wonder how they’re ever going to stop; and remain upright.

And that’s where I end up.
In that space of  the blur

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