Things I’ve been up to of late…
– went into town to drop off three books that I had sold online on Marketplace, and also to grab some top-up groceries for the next couple of nights dinners.
Once home, I got out into the garden as it was a glorious sunny day.
I refilled all four potato beds with soil, then planted them out with potato starts, topped the beds with more soil and then mulched with cane mulch.
When it came time to water them, the hose blew off at the tap, snapping a piece of the hose inside the new irrigation pipe, and it took me a couple of hours and quite a bit of swearing to get it fixed.
I have replaced the part that snapped with a brass fitting, so I can at least be pretty sure that that particular piece won’t snap again!
The piece that snapped should never have been reused when the irrigation system was installed, but I hadn’t realised that the guy had done that, or I would have been sure to have said something at the time.
Wasn’t thrilled with that little bit of corner-cutting!
When my Love got home from work, we went out into the paddock and situated one of the new big garden beds that we have made and painted, and we’ll check in on it over the next couple of days to see if its aesthetically in the right place before we fill it up with dirt and plant it out.
– the sun alternately came out and then hid again for the majority of the day, so I spent the morning mostly inside writing blog posts, and then researching kindle samples of books I might want to read.
It was quite cool when we first woke up, and within an hour had become colder, so I spent all morning in a jumper.
The afternoon was quickly filled up with installing another panel of carpet on the interior ceiling of the bus.
Its quite taxing working upside down, with a huge slab of carpet and spray adhesive!
I am hoping that I can find someone in town who does laser cutting of timber so that I can design some bespoke timber surrounds for the ceiling vents, so I might head off into town tomorrow to see if I can’t find someone…
– I went into town to have a look at what vent covers the hardware stores had, as I figured I might as well see what I can get cheaply and easily first, before moving on to the more expensive alternative.
Even if my eye thinks it would really like to see timber vents, the trust of the matter is that its basically a cover that is just there to give the ceiling a more ‘finished’ look – so what its made out of is really quite irrelevant.
As long as it doesn’t restrict airflow, it will do the job.
I also used a spray bottle to coat Noahs roof with ‘30 second cleaner‘ once the sun had gone behind the clouds for the day.
I’m hoping it will do its job over time to get all the bits of mould in the nooks and crannies.
I emailed the folks who were supposed to install the maxxfan into the bus back in March, but which we had to cancel due to the bus being back down at the mechanics; to see if they could fit us in again sometime soon.
Hopefully they won’t be too busy with it being winter.
Before the rain came in, I managed to get ½ of the paddock mowed.
Tonight we went out to dinner with our friend NW and whilst dinner was a tad tasteless, it was still a nice evening.
– back into town today to get some groceries and pick up an order from SuperCheap, and buy an extra vent cover, as the one I tested yesterday fits well.
Once back home, I cooked some dog food and some chicken breasts, then went out to work on the bus installing the vent covers.
I initially tried using heavy duty velcro, but that wasn’t successful, so ended up using a splat of some sells glue on the corner of each cover, and it’s worked well.
Our Garden Guy also came this morning to drop off all the supplies for the new houseyard fence, and to install the posts, so that they have overnight to set before adding the crossbars and palings.
I heard back from the fan installation people, and they have an opening on 1 July, so I will take it down then, and stay overnight.
Managed to get some laundry and repotting done in the afternoon.
– Our Garden Guy came again this morning to add the crossbars and palings to the new houseyard fence.
Its looking wonderful, but unfortunately sue to my incorrect measurements, we ended up being around 8 palings short of finishing up, so he will do those next week.
I didn’t see any point in him making a special trip to finish it when we can easily cover the gap for a few days with an old gate.
While he was doing that, I got a lot of weeding and pruning done in the house-yard, and took two loads of cuttings down to the chickens for them to eat and scratch through.
In the afternoon I finished mowing the paddock and got the house-yard mowed as well.
My Love picked up her new car today, and excitedly took me for a drive in it when she got home from work.
– had a quiet day today for the most part.
Cooked some chicken for the animals, vacuumed and made a Chicken and Green Bean Curry for dinner.
It was delicious!
– we went for a drive to Mareeba today to do some shopping for items we can’t get at our stores in town.
On the way home, we went via Lake Tinaroo and got our lunch from the food van out there.
They very kindly made me just a burger patty with sauce, without making a big fuss about it, so that was nice – and it was yummy!
Once home, we picked a big bucket of lemons off our tree, and caught up on some on our YouTube favourites.
After my evening shower, I got my Love to cut the scraggly ends off my hair, which ended up with 15 inches being snipped off.
I can definitely no longer sit on my hair, and it now only reaches my bra-line, but its also looking much healthier already.
I’m glad I finally did it.
So that was it for the week!