I love you because..

I love you because

You make me giddy
You make me laugh
You taste delicious
Your eyes speak volumes.
You make my heart flutter
You genuinely care, not just about me, but about others.
You’re funny – and you like to laugh.
You’re an awesome mother.
You’re sexy as hell!
You have a generous spirit.
You support my decisions.
You look after me; and not just when I’m sick.
You like food as much as I do.
You make my knees weak.
You will be there asap if I need you
You smell delicious.
You are respectful.
You like my cooking!
You pick up the phone when I call.
You are an amazing lover
You enjoy diy
You have a brilliant beautiful smile
You have a soft heart
You’re naughty
You have a gorgeous body
You know how to make me smile
You’re a “bad, bad, Mumma
You give the best hugs

You are a part of my heartbeat…

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