Sunday morning is usually a bit of a special day in our home, because it’s the one day of the week that my Love and I get to have breakfast together.
Alas, today my Love has had to go to the next town, as the boss has agreed to help pick up something we bought months ago, but we havent had a trailer big enough to bring it home.
And he has a big trailer, and today he’s available!
I’m not going, as I’m staying at home to keep an eye on our Pup, who has a bad case of the ‘wanders’ at the moment – as we’d rather not lock him up by himself quite yet…
So, I’m a bit sad that we aren’t having breakfast together today – but I’m sticking with our ritual anyways, and have sent my Love a photo – just to say ‘we miss you‘.
Home-made bread, toasted, with lashings of butter and jam – and a glass of fresh orange juice to wash it down.
I’m still grateful for the small pleasures – even if my Love isn’t here to share them today…