An update of the week that was.
Week 19 of 2023
– grocery shopped, cooked dog food, did laundry, watered big veg garden, cleaned.
– I want to redo the fence-line between the house and the house-yard double gates and put in a wooden paling picket fence – only abut a metre high – so I need to move the nursery as it is currently along that fenceline, so today I spent most of the day going through the first half of the plants, weeding them, sorting them etc and getting them packed into the gorilla cart so that I can tow them down to the new location next to the hoop-house.
My Love kindly came home early and took the trailer to the raw materials yard and got me another trailer load of soil.
I am hoping to get the other half of the nursery sorted through tomorrow and then I’ll be able to get down to the business of tidying up the ground in that area ready for the fencing works.
– We woke up to a very cold morning and day.
The coldest night and day this year so far.
I’ve moved the first load of plants down to new nursery.
The way the weather looks like its going to be wet for the rest of the week, so I don’t think I’ll get to the other half of the nursery done for a while yet…
My Love had takeaway Chinese for dinner. I had soup.
– I took the Mazda back to Charlie the mechanic as the knock-sensor had arrived and he’s going to fit it before he has a week off on holidays.
He’s been such a joy to work with since we found him!
When I was heading out to the road to meet my Love when she was coming to pick me back up to collect my car, I got to meet our new eastern-side neighbours.
They seem like a sweet pair, and are probably in their 70s.
Had a fairly quiet blah rest-of-the day for the most part…
– it rained overnight and most of today.
Had planned to mow and the garden guy was going to come around, but that’s all being postponed.
I went into town and ran into my friend MB at Bunnings.
We stood around and chatted for ages, and I really loved our little mini catchup.
I wish that I got to spend time with her more often…
In the afternoon, my coffee-buddy friend LC visited on her way home from having her bloods done.
Always a catchup I enjoy.
– this morning we were taken out to breakfast by our surrogate daughter and friend, for an early mothers day pressie.
It was the first time we had been to the new cafe, and we were both quite underwhelmed; but it was nice to be out, and very kind and loving of C to think of us and treat us.
My Love had to go work after we were done, and I spent the morning cleaning up, doing dishes and reading.
Once my Love was home for the day, we did a bit of pot-gardening, and rearranging until the cold and rain came back in.
– Mothers Day.
we had breakfast at home then my Love had an early appointment out near the lake, so we decided that we would take the bus and both go, then afterwards we headed off to one of the next towns over and went to the hardware stores there, and to the nursery.
After that we went to Coles and bought some fixings for lunch, which we ate in the park at the Heritage Centre.
On the way back home we stopped off at Woolworths to pick up a few groceries including some meat for the dogs, which I cooked when we got home.
In the afternoon, I mowed around ⅔ of the paddock while my Love planted the last of the flowers in the #2 monument bed.
Hopefully I’ll get the rest of the paddock and the house yard mowed tomorrow if the rain holds off, and I manage to get my other chores out of the way enough to make the time!
So that’s it for this week!