There’s no two ways about it…I’m a coffee junkie!!
A usual day for me is at least 4 cups — 6+ if I’m at work.
BUT – I very rarely buy takeaway coffee.
Theres two reasons…
I make a great cup of coffee – even if I do say so myself – so I’m more than a bit of a coffee snob but even more than that, I’m a coffee CUP snob!
Takeaway coffee can be dodgy at the best of times – unless you get it from a regular place, with a regular barista – but it realllllly shits me paying up to $5 for something I can make for about 40c at home, which I know will taste great every time.
But what irks me even more, is takeaway cups!!
They are shit for the environment, and to cap it off, they usually taste like shit too…!
My preferred coffee cup is a double-walled stainless thermos type, with a closable lid – to keep my coffee hot hot HOT.
I soooo don’t like lukewarm coffee. lol
Last weekend, I somehow left alllll of my stainless cups out at the Farm – which meant that I had to use one of my other ‘travel’ cups for work this week – and it darn near killed me!
My coffee didn’t stay hot for longer than a half hour, and the coffee certainly didn’t taste as ‘good’ as it usually does.
It may well have been psychosomatic – but thats totally irrelevant!! lol
Soooo – I planned to duck out to the Farm this morning before going to the supermarket, to drop stuff off that I’d packed in the car earlier in the week; and intended to grab one of my cups while I was there…which of course I got sidetracked with unpacking stuff and forgot all about – until I got to the supermarket, and went to take a quick slug of coffee before going in, and was greeted with a mouthful of tepid coffee from the non-stainless travel cup. BLERCH!!!!
And this is how I ended up with another beautiful double-walled stainless cup…
Needless to say – I got home from the supermarket, unpacked the groceries while the kettle was on to boil, washed out my gorgeous new cup, then promptly made myself a delicious hot cup of coffee, in my new cup, in celebration.
Ahhhhhh – its gooood..!