50 WOW!


I made it!

I made it to 50 years old!

I never actually believed I would.
Not because I ever thought 50 was ‘old‘, but for some reason, since I was probably in my mid-20s, I’d always had somewhat of a premonition that I would die before then.
I know it sounds macabre, but I don’t mean it to!

So – on Saturday 26th September 2015 – amidst no fanfare – I turned 50.

I sorta feel like – despite the fact that I can’t get my shit together when it comes to my marriage, my work, or my plans for the future – that I have accomplished something.

Even if it is only the fact that I’ve managed to stay alive for 50 years!!
lol :))

Wonder if I’ll grow up now…..?

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