This morning I’m making a chicken curry.
When I’m making this particular one, I think the flavour is improved by using roast chicken – but (a) I don’t have the time or patience to pre-roast chickens at the moment, and (b) buying a roast chicken from the supermarket every time I want to make a curry would work out more expensive than buying a curry from the takeaway shop!
Soooo – what I do is this: our supermarket often has a ‘sale’ on their roasted chickens right before the next lot come out of the oven, (I’ve become pretty good at learning the timing of that!) and they mark them down to about a quarter of the price.
So I buy 2 or 4, depending on freezer space, take them home, pull them all apart, make up meal sized portions, and date-stamp them before popping the lot in the freezer.
Then – whenever I want something to have roasted chicken in it – whether it’s a salad, a curry, or a pasta dish – it’s just a matter of grabbing a bag out of the freezer.
Super simple, super frugal – & super tasty! 😁